A Young Citizen's Guide to News Literacy
Today, more than ever, good citizens need to be
thoughtful and educated consumers of the news. People share ?facts? that may or
may not be true on social media platforms, ?fake news? is used as a rallying cry
for those who may not like the reporting, lines blur between news and
advertisements, and new media outlets arise to provide often-biased articles. As
tough as weeding through all the information and disinformation out there can be
for adults, it?s even more difficult for kids. This series is designed to guide
young readers in learning how to become savvy consumers of the news and
well-educated citizens.
? Follows the C3 Framework for Social Studies State
Standards of the National Council for the Social Studies
? Fact boxes provide
intriguing additional information and key things to watch for when reading,
watching, or listening to news coverage
? Relatable examples and
age-appropriate text pull students in and give them resources to empower them in
their own explorations of media