Creating Multimedia Presentations
A must-have how-to guide to the vast--and vastly complicated--world of multimedia research and presentation. This book accessibly guides the young reader through the process of searching for, obtaining, storing, organizing, arranging, and presenting multimedia sources of information--images, audio, and video--for school projects. It also imparts essential understanding about using copyrighted materials and how to safely cite sources. The entire process of synthesizing multimedia materials into a smooth, effective presentation is accessibly explored. Students learn typical teacher expectations and methods of evaluation for such a project. The book includes useful web sites and information about online tutorials and an extensive reading list and collection of resources.
* Reviews *
Book Review: Creating Multimedia Presentations"I loved the fact that it dealt with all aspects of a presentation--not just the electronic aspects. It talked about presentation, research, and audience. This is a good tool for our students as they move more and more into a world where presentation skills are necessary. This book also dealt with copyright issues which are often neglected."
--Karen Woodruff, Decatur Middle School