Digital and Information Literacy: Set 8
Digital and Information Literacy
The remaining boundaries between cyberspace and physical space are being broken down as people can not only take online courses and use digital currency, but also access the Internet through wearable devices and create products using 3D-printing technology. These titles reflect the thrilling possibilities--and occasional perils--of the real-life impacts that online activity can create. Readers will discover how to navigate this brave new world and thrive in it, while avoiding some common dangers and pitfalls. Being able to comprehend and master these technological tools will give readers a clear advantage in the ever-advancing digital world.
• Up-to-date topic coverage helps students become college prepared and career ready
• Domain-specific vocabulary words are used in context to help students understand their meaning and accelerate comprehension
• Online safety and responsibility are emphasized
• Correlates with current pedagogy trends to incorporate technology in the learning and literacy process
• Encourages students to investigate more by asking questions of experts in the field