Careers in Digital Animation
Careers in Computer Technology
Computers have reinvigorated the traditional art of animation, leading to a proliferation of digital images everywhere we turn. Live-action films, television graphics, screen crawls and online ads, video and computer games, mobile apps--we are surrounded by digital animation 24/7. This insider's guide shares crucial industry information with readers about the best courses of study, academic programs, internship opportunities, and career-building activities that will lead to successful and gratifying employment. It details the many distinct jobs within the field and their academic, technical, experiential, and professional requirements. It also discusses how best to build and present one's portfolio of work, how to search for jobs, how to prepare for and ace the job interview, and how to engage in lifelong learning in order to advance one's career and rise to the top of the field. Its emphasis on career-preparedness and digital literacy meets the Common Core curriculum reading standards for informational texts.