Careers in Restaurants
This resource offers a comprehensive and detailed look at the restaurant industry for those who are interested in a career in food but don't know where to start. First, the reader is introduced to the restaurant industry and its opportunities. Then, each chapter covers a general trade of the business such as chef, server, and manager, highlighting the skills required for each area. Within each chapter, specific jobs are profiled, such as personal chef, pastry chef, line cook, host/hostess, and server, among many others. For each job, a realistic description is given, including the benefits, such as working with people and career advancement opportunities, but also the hard work and long hours involved. Finally, readers learn that there are also opportunities to work with food that are corollary to the restaurant industry. Such jobs include farming, food writing, and food photography. With a profile of chef Marcus Samuelsson, this book brings working in the restaurant industry to life.